A Piece Of My Mind

“It is no measure of good health to be 

well-adjusted to a profoundly sick 

society.” ~Jiddu Krishnamurti

"A psychic can see or hear things that no one else can, channels entities and communicates with the dead or with aliens. A psycho can do the same, but she or he is crazy enough to admit this to her psychiatrist" Gina La Gitana

Are you sad? Melancholy? Do you feel that you do not fit in? Do you feel that no one around you understand you? Do you feel that no matter how you try, you can not understand the crazy world around you? Do you feel guilty when you engage in activities that make you happy, but they are judged as useless or not "cool" by others? Do you feel isolated, because when you try to share your less than happy thoughts with others, they label you as a pessimist, and scold you for your "negative thinking" 

Before you diagnose yourself with depression, or maladjustment, take a good look around yourself: perhaps everyone around you did not get things right.

Do not be too hard on yourself if you do not understand, or buy into society's idea of wellness, happiness and success. In  the Western Society, money, fame, youthfulness and beauty (whatever the standard of beauty might be today) considered to be sign of success and therefore, achieving and maintaining these should guarantee happiness. Conversely, according to the ideas that are prevalent in our society, if you are not rich, young, beautiful and famous, you could not possibly be happy and if you happen to be satisfied with whoever you are and whatever your circumstances, even if you are overweight, poor and on the older side, you simply must be crazy.

Yet, look at the celebrities, the famous, the successful: they marry, they divorce, they constantly try to be happier, more famous, more rich, more successful, they use drugs, they have eating disorders and many die young unhappy, from either a drug overdose, or suicide.

Perhaps there is nothing wrong with you, but there is something wrong with the norms of society and there is something wrong with those around you.

On the other hand, if you are feeling sad, down, demotivated, and simply depressed for an extended period of time, and your suffering interferes with the quality of your life (whatever quality you desire for yourself), do not be afraid to admit that you have a problem, and seek whatever remedy or treatment sounds right for you. 

Perhaps you are not depressed. Perhaps you are just a little unwell. Perhaps you do not have a disorder, but an attack of the Bad Eye. Perhaps you need help. Do not be afraid for asking for it. It might be a sign of how "normal" and "high functioning" you are, if you are having trouble adjusting to the crazy and sick ideas of the world you live in....

Read the whole article here: