"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive." Elbert Hubbart
Life, in all of its complexity is really, very simple, unless we complicate it. One can not improve or change one's life. Life is. As is. One can not be more alive than they already are, just as one can not be "more or less" dead than they are.
If you are reading this post, it is safe to assume, you are alive. It is safe to assume you are not in imminent danger, and you are not, at least in this very moment fighting for your life. (If you ARE in imminent danger, will you please turn off the computer or your handheld device and start reacting NOW?!)
Back to my point: Life isn't an action, it is a status of "being". One does not WORK at being alive, life itself takes care of that business. The bad news is, that no matter how successful we are at living, death will still win the game. Everyone who lives was born and everyone who lives will die. The sooner one can accept this, the eventual inevitability of their death, the sooner one can stop dying and starting to come alive.
What makes "life" complicated is not life itself, but our reaction to our life experiences. Whether stuff happens or not, whether the proverbial shit hits the fan or not,our experiences alone have no effect on our life. Our life goes on, and our death arrives, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not.
Death in itself is not complicated either and just like life, death takes care of its own self. Perhaps because most of us, to one extent or another fight death to the death, dying to most of us appears to be more of an act than an experience. When Death happens, however, no dying is necessarily. Like life, death does not need nor can be controlled and like death, life can not be avoided. Stuff happens. Bad stuff happens. Good stuff happens. Neither the good stuff will make us happy by happenstance nor will the bad stuff kill our happiness or "ruin our life" unless we let it ruin our parade.
Life happens, but happiness does not happen by happenstance. Loving life is an action and a choice. Choose to love your life; perhaps it will love you right back.
And then again...maybe not...you know...shit also happens, somewhere, sometimes and sometimes, it even hits the fan.
Seriously. Do not take life so seriously. Do not be afraid of death, of dying. Be afraid of never living.
Dedicated to my Grandma, who died a year ago this day,on the last day of the year. Rest In Peace, Dedimama. I miss you. Hope you are having fun where you are. See you soon....but not today. I am busy. Living.